In 2019, CBS successfully completed an initial phase of works at Strathbungo which involved bringing 26no tenement flats up to habitable standard.
Works comprised structural repairs, re-wiring, new bathrooms, kitchens, heating systems and windows, as well as some internal alterations to improve existing layouts.
A second phase of 30no. additional flats commenced March 2022. The objective is to upgrade these flats to a similar extent as previous, with a key focus on air tightness and thermal efficiency to improve EPCs to Band B.
The project is designed to meet EnerPhit standards of retrofit, a major challenge on pre-1919 sandstone tenements due to their age, build form, and condition.
Principally funded by Glasgow City Council and by Southside Housing Association, the project will allow for real-life testing and provide shared learning about how deep retrofit of these iconic buildings can be achieved.