This year, CBS have taken another step forward to demonstrate their continued commitment to removing the stigma surrounding mental health within the construction industry.
By signing the Building Mental Health Charter, the business pledges to educate employees, offer access to a Mental Health Champion, provide ongoing training, and encourage conversation.
CBS has further strengthened its commitment to wellbeing by becoming a champion of the Working Minds Campaign created by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
The campaign is aimed specifically at supporting small businesses by providing a range of tools to help employers and workers understand the best ways to prevent work related stress and encourage good mental health.
CBS Director Gavin Taylor commented, “The mental health of our workforce is one of our key priorities, but it is a subject that traditionally isn’t discussed within the industry. We want to show our commitment to promoting good mental health and encouraging people to talk. We have initially trained 2 mental health champions who will play a key role in developing and supporting a culture that contributes to improved mental health and wellbeing.”.
For more details on The Construction Industry Helpline Click Here
For more details on Building Mental Health Charter Click Here
For more information on HSE Working Minds Campaign Click Here