Site Address: 200 Abercromby Street, Calton, Glasgow
Client: Trust Housing Association
Agent: Martin Aitken Associates
Value: £150,000.
Contract Weeks: 6 weeks
Internal alteration to existing occupied sheltered housing complex. Conversion and alteration of existing guest suite to form new commercial kitchen and dry goods store. Conversion and alteration of existing cleaner’s store/dining area/kitchen to form smaller cleaner’s store and larger dining area. Removal of existing kitchen equipment, fittings, and existing floor coverings. Disconnection/removal of electrical and mechanical services associated with the works. Repairs to existing floors, walls and ceilings. New floor coverings to works areas. New kitchen including all equipment and extract canopy, internal wall cladding, redecoration works. Electrical works, fire system alterations, ventilation installations, gas installations, water and heating works.
Works carried out in and occupied/fully operating sheltered housing premises.